The game's sudden early release...

Hello fellow degenerates sorry about the lack of updates and the sudden release of this game. I think it's time I made some things clear about why this appeared out of nowhere. 

First off busy schedule, sadly I don't get to make NSFW content full or even part time yet so while working on other games and hearing about "infamous" stories from Reddit I wanted to make this game as a parody of those stories.

Second off I wasn't sure how this game would be perceived. I tend to make content for myself first and others second, releasing it before it was "finished" would help me see how much people liked or didn't like the idea of this.

Third... The whole world is going through some shit right now. My game(s) might not change that but maybe just maybe us lewd content creators can teach the world to fap, in perfect harmony  :_ )

TLDR I released a new game a week or 2 early because I was depressed with the current state of the world and wanted to see what people would think of it and so far so good, almost 200 players in a single night!

Future Update V1.1 coming early June - Will include a new jar design, optional music, free sample art pack (all of which will be transparent), and minor bug fixes.

Get The Jar Simulator -HD-

Buy Now$4.00 USD or more

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